Hello there everyone!
Last Wednesday, we had the SPCA come to our school to teach us how to be responsible pet owners. We enjoyed the presentation they had prepared for us and we especially enjoyed the puppet show! After the presentation, we took Shelley out for her weekly sunbathing routine - we scrubbed her, washed her tank and fed her. Thank you so much SPCA for showing us how to take care of our pets. It truly was a valuable lesson for all of us!

The children in the Butterfly room have been busy working on their fine-motor skills as they begin to trace numbers and patterns on paper and sand. These Montessori sand trays are great for helping children build their confidence in writing while stimulating their senses.

Despite the unpredictable weather over the weekend, we had a successful Springfair nonetheless! We were joined by existing students, their parents and walk-ins and we all had a great time (kids and adults alike!). The kids were able to win a few prizes at our games booth, get their faces painted and munch on some delicious baked goodies! The adults on the other hand were very impressed by our child-friendly woodwork tools in our work studio! Overall, we had a fantastic time at the Springfair!
We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who helped out during the Springfair! It's so nice to know that we can always count on our school community for help!

We hope you enjoyed these photos! Please visit us on Facebook (@MulberryTreeHK for more! Happy Monday, everyone!
Mulberry Tree