Hi there everyone!
Hope you all had a great weekend despite the unpredictable weather!
If there is anything we are particularly proud of as facilitators, it's how we teach compassion on a day-to-day basis. While we put our students on the receiving end of compassion, we are allowing them to experience compassion first-hand which is even more impactful. In this picture, the students from the Butterfly room are involved in an act of showing compassion to others. What an endearing sight!

Another way we teach our students about compassion is through our class pets. Last week, another three guinea pigs were born in the Caterpillar/Cocoon room! By feeding them food/water and making sure that they are quiet around them, they are learning important values such as responsibility, unconditional love, empathy, and compassion for all living things.

Our Open House was another great success with parents wanting to know more about what goes on behind Mulberry Tree and our teaching philosophy. We are looking forward to some new faces in August!

We said 'Goodbye' to some of our students moving onto other schools last month and we wish them all the best in their future endeavours! Don't forget to visit us when you have time! We will surely miss you!

Some important dates to note in your calendar:
- Trio Beach Family Picnic (10/7)
- Parents' meeting (15/7)
- Journey Learning Celebration (19/9).
Have a great week - signing off!
Mulberry Tree