We are so glad to have everyone back from what it seemed like a very long break! This is what we did last week!
But before we get into it, we'd just like to give a big shoutout to all the mummies that came to our 'Clean-Up Day'. Parent involvement is valuable to us here at Mulberry Tree - it is a great way of showing that we are all on the same page! It’s also important that children can see school as a place were their efforts lead to success, so parents being instrumental and involved with school-life simply encourages them further. So a big thank you to you! A true community school we are!

Since the playground was in tip top shape (after all the baking soda-ing and heavy scrubbing), the kids were able to engage in some safe playground fun... have a look!

With such lovely weather last week, we headed to Lion's Centre for our weekly field trip to explore the wonders of this season! We were greeted by colourful leaves, flowers and the beautiful flutters of butterflies! We had loads of fun gathering and throwing fallen leaves and although there were only a few creatures in sight this time, we know that each season has its own charms, so we were ok with it! Nonetheless, we all got to observe, explore and experience nature at its finest.

Happy Birthday to all the October and November birthday celebrants! Thank you for sharing all your delicious goodies with us and we hope that you all enjoyed your birthday presentations! May all your wishes come true! Hip hip hooray!

The theme for last Saturday's Coffee Talk Morning was on ‘Teaching Phonics and Literacy at Home’. Ella shared a few tips on how to make phonics more interesting and together, we explored the different ways of enhancing attention span as well as memory. We had a great time learning how to teach phonics the Montessori and Reggio Emilia-inspired way!
Thanks to those who came and we certainly hope that you found the session helpful! Stay tuned for part two!

Before we sign off, please make sure to get all the updates for the following events/programmes via StoryPark.
- Parents' meeting (6/12)
- Student-Led tour for Butterfly Parents only (refer to the letter)
- School picnic (11/12)
- Christmas Potluck (Winter party for children 20/12)
- Christmas Party (26/12)
- Winter Camp (2-4/1)
Signing off...
Mulberry Tree