Hello there parents!
We had a fantastic time with family and friends at Trio Beach last Wednesday and thanks to those who came! We can all agree that we were blessed with nice weather, clear and crisp water... not to mention all the delicious picnic food everyone brought in to share. At Mulberry Tree, having a close school community is important to us because we believe that parent involvement is crucial to a child’s overall success. There will be more family events coming your way so stay tuned! Please check StoryPark for more pictures!

Our first Coffee Talk Morning last Saturday was a great success! We started off with a fun little ice-breaker and shared a few laughs. We then proceeded onto reading “Have you filled a bucket today?” by Carol McCloud (a book that teaches young readers to be kind and caring to others) and together, we discussed the many different ways we can make ourselves happy by making others happy, too. We came up with some pretty good ones like saying “I love you” more often and sharing our things with others. Can you think of any more? Do share!

The morning ended with an informative Q&A portion... it was nice to see parents bring forth their concerns when it comes to parenting. Parenting (as many of you may know) is never easy and what might work for one child might not work for another which is why parents need to work together as a community to share experiences and explore ideas.

Hope you are all having a good term break! Don't forget to share pictures of your fun adventures with us on Storypark!
See you next week!
Mulberry Tree